
DogStatsd is a Python client for DogStatsd, a Statsd fork for Datadog.

class statsd.DogStatsd(host='localhost', port=8125, max_buffer_size=50)

Flush the buffer and switch back to single metric packets

connect(host, port)

Connect to the statsd server on the given host and port.

decrement(metric, value=1, tags=None, sample_rate=1)

Decrement a counter, optionally setting a value, tags and a sample rate.

>>> statsd.decrement('files.remaining')
>>> statsd.decrement('active.connections', 2)
event(title, text, alert_type=None, aggregation_key=None, source_type_name=None, date_happened=None, priority=None, tags=None, hostname=None)
Send an event. Attributes are the same as the Event API.
>>> statsd.event('Man down!', 'This server needs assistance.')
>>> statsd.event('The web server restarted', 'The web server is up again', alert_type='success')  # NOQA
gauge(metric, value, tags=None, sample_rate=1)

Record the value of a gauge, optionally setting a list of tags and a sample rate.

>>> statsd.gauge('', 123)
>>> statsd.gauge('active.connections', 1001, tags=["protocol:http"])

Return a connected socket

histogram(metric, value, tags=None, sample_rate=1)

Sample a histogram value, optionally setting tags and a sample rate.

>>> statsd.histogram('uploaded.file.size', 1445)
>>> statsd.histogram('', 26, tags=["gender:female"])
increment(metric, value=1, tags=None, sample_rate=1)

Increment a counter, optionally setting a value, tags and a sample rate.

>>> statsd.increment('page.views')
>>> statsd.increment('files.transferred', 124)

Open a buffer to send a batch of metrics in one packet

You can also use this as a context manager.

>>> with DogStatsd() as batch:
>>>     batch.gauge('', 123)
>>>     batch.gauge('active.connections', 1001)
service_check(check_name, status, tags=None, timestamp=None, hostname=None, message=None)

Send a service check run.

>>> statsd.service_check('my_service.check_name', DogStatsd.WARNING)
set(metric, value, tags=None, sample_rate=1)

Sample a set value.

>>> statsd.set('visitors.uniques', 999)
timed(metric, tags=None, sample_rate=1)

A decorator that will measure the distribution of a function’s run time. Optionally specify a list of tag or a sample rate.

@statsd.timed('user.query.time', sample_rate=0.5)
def get_user(user_id):
    # Do what you need to ...

# Is equivalent to ...
start = time.time()
    statsd.timing('user.query.time', time.time() - start)
timing(metric, value, tags=None, sample_rate=1)

Record a timing, optionally setting tags and a sample rate.

>>> statsd.timing("query.response.time", 1234)

A global DogStatsd instance that is easily shared across an application’s modules. Initialize this once in your application’s set-up code and then other modules can import and use it without further configuration.

>>> from statsd import statsd
>>> statsd.connect(host='localhost', port=8125)


The DogStatsd source is freely available on Github. Check it out here.

Get in Touch

If you’d like to suggest a feature or report a bug, please add an issue here. If you want to talk about DataDog in general, reach out at